Waldorf Enrichment Classes
Muya homeschool enrichment classes are offered in outdoor settings where children observe the changing of the seasons and connect with All Our Relations. Our classes are organized according to principles of forest school education and the traditional Waldorf school curriculum presented by Rudolf Steiner and developed in the United States. Every day, our children have opportunity to run, climb, explore, and play within the natural world, building vital connections to the land, plants, animals, and human communities that surround them.
Children typically attend classes on Monday-Tuesday or Wednesday-Thursday to take advantage of the Waldorf 2-day rhythm, in which children are presented with a story, sleep on it, and explore the concept further the following day. However, families can choose to come whichever days that suit their schedule.
Typically Main Lesson blocks (units) alternate between a focus on either ELA or mathematics skills.Our prospective grades schedule for 2022-2023 is offered below:

Arts Intensives and Artisan Days
A daily arts class is offered 3-4pm through our community partners at Modern Folk Art Studios, Be Me Theatrics, and others in the subjects of drawing, writing, nature journaling, theater, and dance.
Depending upon the block, we expect to cycle through classes in Japanese, music theory, herbalism, and clay sculpture as arts intensives.
Once a month we host a project-based Artisan Day 10am-4pm that is open to visitors who wish to come create something special with us and meet members of our community. You can select and RSVP for upcoming Artisan Days on our Special Events page. Participation is $55 per child.

Naturalist Fridays
A free community hike day is organized for members of Muya community enrolled in our 2-day program, usually three Fridays a month, 10am-2pm. We explore area parks' flora, fauna, and geology with our field guides in hand.
Children enrolled in our 1-day program and those interested in visiting can attend Naturalist Fridays, too! Participation is $55 per child. You can sign up to join us by contacting us by email.
"It is written in all your souls that we must create something new out of the conditions that we experience [...] that what we need above all to achieve other conditions is a different way of preparing human beings for a place in the world, through upbringing and education."
-Rudolf Steiner, "A Lecture for Prospective Parents of the Waldorf School"