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Muya Community Center offers a variety of outdoor Waldorf enrichment homeschool classes:
(pricing below)
Mondays (Grades 6th-9th)
Lake Forest 10:15am -4:00pm
Classes in theatre, Literature and World History
Tues &Thurs (Grades TK- 8th)
Costa Mesa 9:30am-2:00 pm
-Waldorf Main Lesson classes
(Grades 1-3) and (Grades 4-8)
-Theatre Essentials
(Grades 1-3) and (Grades 4-8)
*Potential for a Spanish/Nature speciality class from 2:00-3:30pm
Wednesday (Kinder- 8th Grades)
Tustin 11am-3pm
- Drawing Painting & Fiber Arts classes
- Sports Essentials & Games
Tues-Thurs Main Lesson Days
Costa Mesa, 9:30am-2pm

Community Enrichment
-Nature walk
-Circle: dance, limericks, & songs
-Shared plant-based, organic meal
-AMORE Water from The Water Brewery
-Group game
(Not eligible for charter funds)

Main Lesson
Class rotations in grade-specific groups:
Grades 1-3 & Grades 4-8
-Waldorf Main Lesson classes (see ML blocks 2024-25)
-Theatre Classes
Early Childhood (TK/Kinder) has circle time, nature walk, free-play, craft, and story.

Afternoon Specialty/Kinder Aftercare TBD
2:00- 3:30 pm
We hope to be able to offer a course this year at this time. More information to come!

Arts & Games Enrichment
Tustin, 11am-3pm
Drawing, painting, and fiber arts classes for Kinder through 8th grade.
Sports essentials and games classes for Kinder through 8th grade.

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